September is Safeguarding Month in the Diocese of Broken Bay, when we celebrate the important role families play in keeping children safe when they have a strong sense of belonging and connection to family.
This year the focus of the month is ‘Families’ and we hope to encourage everyone to reflect on how family connections promote safety and consider their shared responsibility in keeping children and young people safe.
We invite all families to share your experiences of how you connect as a family in the form of a story, a video or a photo during Safeguarding Month of September. The most creative entries entered will be showcased on the Diocesan Safeguarding Month webpage. Download the information poster below for links to ideas.
Students are also encouraged to enter our ‘My Family Drawing Competition’, where they have the chance to win zooper doopers for their whole class each week in September! Download the entry form below for details on how to enter.
We encourage you follow the below social media pages and visit the following webpages for more information.
National Child Protection Week
National Child Protection Week (NAPCAN) runs from 4-10 September 2022 and embraces the overarching message that ‘Every child, in every community, needs a fair go’. Families are encouraged to download the below resources, which aims to start age appropriate conversations about how to build the safe communities, along with links to resources and support services.